Thursday, August 8, 2013

For a moment of thought

Another frequent question I ever face is "Was-sup for weekend"? Yes, i do have my own plans. Visiting a friends place, watching a movie followed by dinner. Yeah I am planned for my Week End. But rainy roads, terrific traffic, tax full toxic food made my week end as WEAK END.

Once a while I use to think about what’s happening around? Nothing great haa ? My roads are bad due to department is not fulfilling their duties, public transportation is weak due to lack of funds, blah... blah.. All that I can do is blame on politicians not doing their duty. It’s not politicians not doing their duty, it’s we people not fulfilling our duties on a single holiday called Election Day. Can’t we make our anger to ballet box?

We are really ingenious, smart enough to discuss about Indian international affairs, who could be the next president of USA.  But can’t we really spare some time for next five years of nation? We simply can’t wait for last 5 seconds in traffic signal and blame the traffic police for bribing. Everyone wants a developed nation but don’t have time to cast the vote, follow the signal, keep city clean. As Gandhi ji said “Be the change you want to see”. I don’t have time/guts to question all the sh!t happening around me but I can vote and make others to cast their vote.

If you don't vote, you don't have rite to ask/question the government. Sounds different rite? As a common man we always try to save Tax by means of manipulating or something else. The reason is we personally feel it as our hard earned money. Why cant we feel the same while casting the votes to elect the politicians who use our same hard earned tax money for the sake of country development. We are not ready to leave single penny of our money/our property then why we are silent towards the social frauds happening around. 

Whats the solution ? Don't be tensed, you can change the whole scenario when we all are aware and make others awake. Follow the traffic rules, start questioning the govt./bureaucrats. Like charity starts from home we need to start development of this country from home.

Remember, still major part of real India lives in rural India. Our villages play vital role in every aspect of this country. Rather than concentrating on problems its better to start for solution. I am one of those positive spirits who have full faith on every individual. Its our duty to think and chase the change.

Yes, I am a common man who can change the fate of this country. It may not possible alone, together we can. It takes no time to like this or takes a moment to share. But spread the awareness to change the fate of this country.

Jai hind..!!

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